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We will compare the performance of PopGenHelpR with other R packages available on CRAN. Below, we list the packages we will compare PopGenHelpR with and the statistics in each comparison.

Fst and Nei’s D

Jost’s D

  • mmod (Winter et al., 2017)

Expected and Observed Heterozygosity

Let’s Begin

First we will load the packages and the data in PopGenHelpR. The data comes from Farleigh et al. (2021). We also load vcfR to convert between data formats (Knaus & Grunwald, 2017).

# Load the packages
#> Loading required package: ade4
#>    /// adegenet 2.1.10 is loaded ////////////
#>    > overview: '?adegenet'
#>    > tutorials/doc/questions: 'adegenetWeb()' 
#>    > bug reports/feature requests: adegenetIssues()
#> Attaching package: 'hierfstat'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:adegenet':
#>     Hs, read.fstat
#> Loading required package: pegas
#> Loading required package: ape
#> Attaching package: 'ape'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:hierfstat':
#>     pcoa, varcomp
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'pegas':
#>   method      from
#>   print.amova ade4
#> Attaching package: 'pegas'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:ape':
#>     mst
#> The following object is masked from 'package:ade4':
#>     amova
#>    *****       ***   vcfR   ***       *****
#>    This is vcfR 1.15.0 
#>      browseVignettes('vcfR') # Documentation
#>      citation('vcfR') # Citation
#>    *****       *****      *****       *****
#> Attaching package: 'vcfR'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:pegas':
#>     getINFO, write.vcf

# Load the data 

FST and Nei’s D Comparison

We will compare PopGenHelpR and StAMPP. Both packages use the formulas from Weir and Cockerham (1984) ane Nei (1972) to calculate FST and Nei’s D, respectively but we want to make sure that our estimates are consistent across packages.

First, we need to format the data for StAMPP

Now we can calculate our statistics. Let’s start with FST.

PGH_fst <- Differentiation(dat = HornedLizard_VCF, pops = HornedLizard_Pop, statistic = "Fst")
#> [1] "vcfR object detected, proceeding to formatting."
#> Formatting has finished, moving onto calculations

Stmp_fst <- stamppFst(Glight, nboots = 0)

Let’s inspect the results.

#>            East     South West
#> East         NA        NA   NA
#> South 0.2511135        NA   NA
#> West  0.3905512 0.3029886   NA
#>            East     South West
#> East         NA        NA   NA
#> South 0.2511135        NA   NA
#> West  0.3905512 0.3029886   NA

# Is there a difference between the two?
Fst_comparison <- PGH_fst$Fst-Stmp_fst

#>       East       South        West    
#>  Min.   :0   Min.   :0   Min.   : NA  
#>  1st Qu.:0   1st Qu.:0   1st Qu.: NA  
#>  Median :0   Median :0   Median : NA  
#>  Mean   :0   Mean   :0   Mean   :NaN  
#>  3rd Qu.:0   3rd Qu.:0   3rd Qu.: NA  
#>  Max.   :0   Max.   :0   Max.   : NA  
#>  NA's   :1   NA's   :2   NA's   :3

Now we move onto Nei’s D. We can use the same genlight that we created for the FST calculations. We will calculate Nei’s D for both population’s and individual’s.

PGH_ND <- Differentiation(data = HornedLizard_VCF, pops = HornedLizard_Pop, statistic = "NeisD")
#> [1] "vcfR object detected, proceeding to formatting."
#> Formatting has finished, moving onto calculations

# StAMPP population Nei's D
Stmp_popND <- stamppNeisD(Glight)

# StAMPP individual Nei's D
Stmp_indND <- stamppNeisD(Glight, pop = FALSE)

Compare the results like we did with FST. Note that PopGenHelpR only reports result on the lower triangular element so we will set the upper triangular element of the Stmp_popND and Stmp_indND objects to NA.

# Population comparison
#>             East     South West
#> East  0.00000000        NA   NA
#> South 0.09005846 0.0000000   NA
#> West  0.19806009 0.1148848    0
#>           [,1]     [,2]     [,3]
#> East  0.000000 0.090058 0.198060
#> South 0.090058 0.000000 0.114885
#> West  0.198060 0.114885 0.000000

# Set StAMPP upper diagnoals to NA
Stmp_popND[upper.tri(Stmp_popND)] <- NA
Stmp_indND[upper.tri(Stmp_indND)] <- NA

popND_comparison <- PGH_ND$NeisD_pop-Stmp_popND
#>       East               South             West  
#>  Min.   :0.000e+00   Min.   :-2e-07   Min.   :0  
#>  1st Qu.:4.518e-08   1st Qu.:-1e-07   1st Qu.:0  
#>  Median :9.036e-08   Median :-1e-07   Median :0  
#>  Mean   :1.840e-07   Mean   :-1e-07   Mean   :0  
#>  3rd Qu.:2.760e-07   3rd Qu.: 0e+00   3rd Qu.:0  
#>  Max.   :4.615e-07   Max.   : 0e+00   Max.   :0  
#>                      NA's   :1        NA's   :2

# Get the mean difference
mean(popND_comparison, na.rm = T)
#> [1] 6.038476e-08

# Individual comparison, uncomment if you want to see it

indND_comparison <- PGH_ND$NeisD_ind - Stmp_indND
mean(indND_comparison, na.rm = T)
#> [1] 5.807753e-09

We see that the difference is very small and is because of rounding. Let’s move onto Jost’s D comparison with mmod.

Jost’s D Comparison

We will compare PopGenHelpR and mmod. Both packages use the formulas from Jost (2008). mmod uses genind objects so we have to do some format conversion first.

Genind <- vcfR2genind(HornedLizard_VCF)
Genind@pop <- as.factor(HornedLizard_Pop$Population)
ploidy(Genind) <- 2

# Calculate Jost's D
PGH_JD <- Differentiation(data = HornedLizard_VCF, pops = HornedLizard_Pop, statistic = "JostsD")
#> [1] "vcfR object detected, proceeding to formatting."
#> Formatting has finished, moving onto calculations
mmod_JD <- pairwise_D(Genind)

#>             East    South West
#> East  0.00000000       NA   NA
#> South 0.08135043 0.000000   NA
#> West  0.17491621 0.103915    0
#>             East      South
#> South 0.08135043           
#> West  0.17370519 0.10440251

# Compare differences mathematically
PGH_JD$JostsD[2:3,1] - mmod_JD[1:2]
#>         South          West 
#> -6.938894e-17  1.211019e-03
PGH_JD$JostsD[2,2] - mmod_JD[3]
#> [1] -0.1044025

Estimate’s are very similar between PopGenHelpR and mmod, we will move onto heterozygosity.

Expected and Observed Heterozygosity Comparison

We will compare PopGenHelpR, hierfstat, and adegenet. Again, the packages use the same formula’s, so we expect similar if not identical results. hierfstat uses it’s own format, so we will convert the data before calculations. Luckily we can convert the genind object from Jost’s D comparisons.

Hstat <- genind2hierfstat(Genind)

### Calculate heterozygosities
# Expected
PGH_He <- Heterozygosity(data = HornedLizard_VCF, pops = HornedLizard_Pop, statistic = "He")
#> [1] "vcfR object detected, proceeding to formatting."
#> Formatting has finished, moving onto calculations
# Observed
PGH_Ho <- Heterozygosity(data = HornedLizard_VCF, pops = HornedLizard_Pop, statistic = "Ho")
#> [1] "vcfR object detected, proceeding to formatting."
#> Formatting has finished, moving onto calculations

Hstat_hets <- basic.stats(Hstat)
Hstat_Ho <- colMeans(Hstat_hets$Ho)

He_adnet <- Hs(Genind)

#>         East        South         West 
#> -0.006854206 -0.003143262 -0.006625364
#>          East         South          West 
#>  7.511576e-06 -1.790920e-06  0.000000e+00

We again see very small differences between the estimates.

Please reach out to Keaka Farleigh () if you have any questions, and please see the references and acknowledgments below.


Farleigh, K., Vladimirova, S. A., Blair, C., Bracken, J. T., Koochekian, N., Schield, D. R., … & Jezkova, T. (2021). The effects of climate and demographic history in shaping genomic variation across populations of the Desert Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos). Molecular Ecology, 30(18), 4481-4496.

Goudet, J. (2005). hierfstat, a package for R to compute and test hierarchical F‐statistics. Molecular ecology notes, 5(1), 184-186.

Jost, L. (2008). GST and its relatives do not measure differentiation. Molecular ecology, 17(18), 4015-4026.

Knaus, B. J., & Grünwald, N. J. (2017). vcfr: a package to manipulate and visualize variant call format data in R. Molecular ecology resources, 17(1), 44-53.

Nei, M. (1972). Genetic distance between populations. The American Naturalist, 106(949), 283-292.

Pembleton, L. W., Cogan, N. O., & Forster, J. W. (2013). St AMPP: An R package for calculation of genetic differentiation and structure of mixed‐ploidy level populations. Molecular ecology resources, 13(5), 946-952.

Weir, B. S., & Cockerham, C. C. (1984). Estimating F-statistics for the analysis of population structure. evolution, 1358-1370.

Winter, D., Green, P., Kamvar, Z., & Gosselin, T. (2017). mmod: modern measures of population differentiation (Version 1.3.3).


We thank the authors of hierfstat, mmod, StAMPP, and all of the package dependencies. They provided inspiration for PopGenHelpR and their commitment to open science made it possible to develop and benchmark our package.