Plot a map of ancestry pie charts.
plot.type = "all",
piesize = 0.35,
Latitude_col = NULL,
Longitude_col = NULL
- anc.mat
Data frame or character string that supplies the input data. If it is a character string, the file should be a csv. The first column should be the names of each sample/population, followed by the estimated contribution of each cluster to that individual/pop.
- pops
Data frame or character string that supplies the input data. If it is a character string, the file should be a csv. The columns should be named Sample, containing the sample IDs; Population indicating the population assignment of the individual, population and sample names must be the same type (i.e., both numeric or both characters); Long, indicating the longitude of the sample; Lat, indicating the latitude of the sample. Alternatively, see the Longitude_col and Latitude_col arguments.
- K
Numeric.The number of genetic clusters in your data set, please contact the package authors if you need help doing this.
- plot.type
Character string. Options are all, individual, and population. All is default and recommended, this will plot a piechart map for both the individuals and populations.
- col
Character vector indicating the colors you wish to use for plotting.
- piesize
Numeric. The radius of the pie chart for ancestry mapping.
- Lat_buffer
Numeric. A buffer to customize visualization.
- Long_buffer
Numeric. A buffer to customize visualization.
- Latitude_col
Numeric. The number of the column indicating the latitude for each sample. If this is not null, PopGenHelpR will use this column instead of looking for the Lat column.
- Longitude_col
Numeric. The number of the column indicating the longitude for each sample. If this is not null, PopGenHelpR will use this column instead of looking for the Long column.